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Showing posts from January, 2018

Romanisation in Kazakhstan and beyond

A few years ago (2012.12.26) reported on plans in Kazakhstan to switch from writing Kazakh in the Russian-based Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin-based Roman alphabet . This Central Asian nation now seems to be pushing ahead with those plans. 77 year-old President Nursultan Nazarbayev, who has ruled since independence from the Soviet Union in 1990, is especially keen on romanisation and put his National Commission for the Modernisation of Society in charge of it. When countries choose a writing system for languages that were previously unwritten, or decide to change the existing system, there are usually political and economic reasons as well as linguistic and educational ones. It seems Nazarbayev would like to move away from Russian influence, even though Russian continues to be an official language alongside Kazakh and is still understood by most people. But in which direction does he want to go? One possibility is Turk